Merry Christmas!

Even though there was only a strong breeze today, it is still quite a bit sea spray when the waves from the open sea brakes against the rocks.


Today scientists could tell that the temperature will be 3 - 5 degrees higher in northern Norway during the next 100 years. The precipitation will increase, but less will come as snow. You don't have to be a scientist to tell this, just take a look at the picture to the right!


A nostalgic picture of the boathouse and the fjord with red clouds on the sky. It is only a little fishing boat that is missing to make a perfect view of the romantic coastal past. But the fishing boats disappeared from Elgsnes long ago.


November started with a white landscape, but ended with green fields and several degrees above freezing point. By now it is only on the top of the mountains that white is the dominating colour.


The picture was taken at 3 p.m. today. The blue twilight, which is characteristic for this time of the year when the sun is under the horizon day and night, has already given the landscape its magic caracter.


The snow has melted away here at Elgsnes, even though the landscape in the background is white. This mild local climate is caused by the Gulf Stream.


We still have some gleams of sunshine, but mostly it is reflections from the mountains and from the clouds. Soon the sun will stay under the horizon day and night, and we will enter the polar night.


A calm day with a clear sky. Like this it can only be where human activity does not destroy the nature's beauty.


And then we got snow for the first time this autumn. Enought to paint the landscape white, but too little to cover the fields totally.


The sea eagle is our biggest bird. It can be maximum 2,6 meters (8,5 feet) from wing tip to wing tip. The adult sea eagle has a white tail, wich means that the one on the picture has to be young eagle.


It has been a cloudy day, but with higher temperature than usual for this time of the year. At 8:30 pm it was still +11 degrees Celsius (52 F) outside.


Helga Ruud died yesterday evening, 88 years old. She was born in Bremnes in Kvæfjord, and married Edvard Ruud in 1946. Since then she has lived in this house for 60 years - till she was hospitalized one month ago.


During the night the clouds disappeared, and we got temperature below freezing point for the first time this autumn. So this morning the lawn outside the house was covered with frost.


The mountain tops are white. It reminds us about the coming winter.


Al seasons have their own beauty. The rosebay willowherb's flowers are all gone, but the leaves have beautiful autumn colours. Together with green fields the view is rather picturesque.


It has been raining all day. But what we need now is dry weather to harvest the grass for the second time.


This is the summer's last evening. Day by day we get earlier sunsets, and in the middle of the night there is only a twiligt. But we can still view sunsets like this one.


Even though we have more grass than we need for the cows, we have spread fertilizer to harvest a second time. Many farmers in this area have too little fodder for their animals this year, so it should not be any problem to sell our surplus.


The shaddows are long, and it is time to milk the cows after one more sunny day. May the weather last!


To make a lawn around the house, we had to remove a lot of big stones. They were placed along the hillside, and between those stones the rosebay willowherb has made God's own flowerbed.


A summer day to remember when all the rainy days are forgotten. Sunshine and a dead calm - can it be better?


During the night the fog came in from the sea. And since the temperature is rather low, and there is hardly any wind, the fog stayed the whole day.


Finally the first silo is filled. Liutauras and Edvard is spreading the last load on the top of the silo before the surface is covered with plastic.


A rainy summer. Maybe a little early to be categorical, but only three days with sunshine till now in July makes it more difficult to belive in sunny days to come.


Wind from southwest and rain. Just a little precipitation today, but the weather forecast promise us more tomorrow.


This spiky weed (galeopsis tetrahit) is not considered as beautiful. But if you get close enought, the small flowers has an amazing beauty.


June has been a cloudy month. But on the last day, we woke up to a nice weather with sunshine and no wind. Living far up north, one has to be an optimist. Therefore we want to belive that the summer has finally come to stay.


This peatland has dried enought, and we could sow green fodder for the cows to graze in September.


We have spread the manure on the fields to the right, and prepared the land for sowing.


Suddenly the temperature reached 18 degrees Celsius (64 F), and the wood cranesbill (geranium silvaticum) is in flower. This is one week earlier than last year.


Last autumn it was too wet to harvest this cultivated peatland. Therefore we let a neighbour's sheeps graze here instead. It seems to have been a good solution since the grass is growing very well this year.


An idyllic view from the mountain Aunfjellet. The narrow peninsula pointing out from the left is Elgsnes. To the right a part of the island Grytoya can be seen.


Tonight there were no clouds in the horizon in northern direction. Therefore we could get a nice view of the midnight sun.


The wild pansy (viola tricolora) is growing here at Elgsnes. Today the temperature has been as high as 18 degrees Celsius or 64 degrees Farenheit, and suddenly this beautiful flower is blooming. Spring is here!


It is snowing, and the temperature is so low that the snow isn't melting on the ground. Nothing unusual with snow in this periode. Last year we had seven centimeters or nearly three inches with snow on the fields on this date.


The last days with temperatures around 20 degrees Celsius (68F) has made the meadows green. It is therefore time to spread the fertilizer.


It is still 16 days till we can see the midnight sun. But even at 10 o'clock in the evening the sunset can be beautiful.


In the 1940'es spruce was planted in the graveyard here at Elgsnes. By now the trees had grown so big that some had to be removed. On the picture to the right Tore is cutting one with a chain saw.


The snow is melting, and the fields are changig colour. But since there is still frost in the ground, the soil isn't drying, and the grass will not start to grow.


On the sunny side of the house the crocus is in flower. And the fist birds of passage are here. No doubt that the spring is on its way!


The fields are still covered by a carpet of snow. Even in the ditch to the left, there is snow. But under it is a brooklet that soon will grow.


Today is another of those beautiful sunny winter days. Maybe we will get the same kind of weather as last year, with a nice spring and a wet summer?


The otter has it's regular route down to the shore close to my home. Even though the otter isn't very shy, it does not cross the road, but creeps through the culvert instead.


The snow is melting rapidly away caused by several days with mild weather and rain.


The picture to the right was taken from the mountain Aunfjellet. The peninsula to the left is Elgsneshalvøya. In the background we can see dimly the mountains of the island Andøya.


After two days with heavy fall of snow, we got a clair sky with sunshine on the snow covered landscape. May it last!


22th of February had in latin the name Petrus Cathedratus. People belived that Saint Peter on this day threw warm stones in the water to start the melting of snow and ice. Superstition or not - today the snow is melting away.


Finally we got sunshine on the houses down at Raten. Even though the sun has been shining for a while on the mountains around us, it is a special feeling when the first sunbeams are entering through the windows.


Where there is no wind, the snow is still on the trees. The picture is from an area where there is a lot of tourists in the summer. But now in February the landscape is untouched, and is creating the nature's own art.


Finally a day with a clair sky. And for the first time this year, the sun is shining here at Elgsnes. The long polar night has come to an end. It is not difficult for us to understand that the old egyptians worshipped the sun as a god.


Yesterday there was a new moon. It is old experince that weather changes in a way seems to be linked to this lunar phase. So maybe we will have winter for a periode now?


Lately we have had an unusual combination of strong wind and low temperatures. Caused by this, water from the sea has frozen to ice along the shore and on the fence between the cultivated and the outlying fields.


Until a few years ago the winter was long with a lot of snow. This year we have green fields even in the middle of the winter. It seems that the climate is changing dramatically - for better or worse.


The fields along the shore were in the old days looked upon as very good barley fields. The last periode barley was cultivated, was during World War II. Later the area has been used for potato production, but nowdays we only cultivate grass for silage here.


Wind from southwest and rain made the snow disappear. Even though there is some frost in the ground, the colour of the grass is like it should be in the middle of May.


Happy New Year!